Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?
Can dogs eat watermelon? If you have this question, continue reading this article to find out if watermelon is good for dogs.

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It is almost inevitable to walk to any home and fail to find a pet. A dog ranks among the best pets to keep in a home. They have a favorable temperament and are easy to take care of. Besides, most “people foods” are safe for dogs. However, you will need to proceed with caution when dealing with specific foods, fruits, and vegetables. We all love a piece of watermelon on a hot day. Is it safe for your dog? Can dogs eat watermelon without any health risk? This article delves into the good, the bad, and all you need to know about dogs and watermelons

So can dogs eat watermelon? 

The answer is a resounding, Yes. However, you will need to avoid the seeds and the rind. According to the American Kennel Club, these two may cause stomach upsets, discomfort and sometimes cause severe gastrointestinal issues for your canine. This fruit packs a ton of nutrients and vitamins. It is also a perfect juicy treat for a dog. 

Why should my dog eat watermelon?

Many dog owners will probably wonder if a watermelon offers extensive benefits to a dog. While several fruits and edible substances are toxic to a dog, a watermelon is quite different. Here’s why; 

  • Has healthy fiber – Like humans, fiber is beneficial to dogs as it promotes gut health. A good source of fiber for your dog should be a watermelon. Even though it doesn’t contain lots of it, the little it has will help your dog overcome gut health disorders. 
  • Contains healthy nutrients and vitamins – as mentioned earlier that watermelons can be a good source of natural vitamins, it’s high in Vitamin A, B6, and vitamin C. These two promote a healthy immune system, keep allergens at bay, and enhance cell growth. 
  • Watermelon is perfect for hydration – As their name suggests, watermelon is 92% water. It is highly refreshing and a good source of hydration on a hot day. To spice things up, you can cool the fruit before slicing the pieces for your dog. 
  • Watermelons are anti-oxidants – Common with most vegetables and red fruits; watermelon contains Lycopene. This is an anti-oxidant and a phytochemical that fights free radicals. These radicals can cause poor cell growth and a reduced immune system. This property can be beneficial to your dog immensely. 
  • Contains good sugars – even though sugars are not suitable for a dog, watermelon contains good sugar content. Its fiber content wraps around the sugar allowing for slow release into the bloodstream. 
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With these benefits, you cannot ignore feeding your dog a few pieces of watermelon now and then.

Is watermelon good for dogs?

With all the health benefits, watermelon is good for dogs. It is a perfect substitute for conventional dog treats which are high in fat, calories, cholesterol, and fats. You should feed your canine the succulent part of the fruit, without the seeds and the rind. The light green and red meaty part of the watermelon is easily digestible, and your dog may benefit from it in a significant way. 

Watermelon Dog Food

Going by their natural adaptation, dogs are naturally omnivores. Besides meat, you should throw a few veggies and fruits into their diet. Watermelons make a perfect fruit for a dog. 

Can dogs eat watermelon rinds?

You should avoid feeding your dog watermelon rinds as much as you can. Even though they are not toxic, they can be challenging to chew, difficult to digest, and may affect the digestive system. Some of these parts can be sensitive to your dog’s stomach, cause blockage, and severe discomfort. 

Since the rind is quite solid and difficult to chew, they may cause dental pain, bleeding gums, and loss of teeth. To be on the safer side, always cut the fruit into sizeable pieces before feeding your dog. Some of these discomforts may be severe to small dog breeds as opposed to large and muscular dog breeds. This is because they have small intestines and a sensitive digestive tract. 

Watermelon seed and rinds may cause discomfort when passing waste. 

How to feed watermelon to your dog

Watermelon has high nutritional benefits for your dog. However, you should consult with your veterinarian before including new foods in their diets. To begin with, there is no bad way to feed watermelon to your dog. Besides removing the rind and the seeds, you can be creative with how you feed this fruit to your dog. 

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Freeze your dog’s watermelon. Frozen chunks of watermelon are a great way to feed your dog. However, ensure that your dog has no gum or enamel issues. 

Dehydrated watermelon chunks. This is another excellent way to feed your canine. In fact, dehydrating these chunks and storing them for a few days can be a creative approach to treat your dog.

Caution when feeding watermelon to your dog.

Even though you will avoid seeds and rinds when feeding your dog watermelons, it is safe to exercise some caution. Large amounts of this fruit can cause lethargy, stomach discomfort, and sometimes diarrhea. A general rule is starting with small quantities and gradually progressing until your dog develops a tolerance to the fruit. 

If you notice your dog exhibit irritability, diarrhea, and wants to keep by itself, it can be a sign he just had too much. Besides, diarrhea can be a sign of bad foods to a pet. So if you notice a change in their bowel movement, it can mean that watermelon isn’t right for your dog. 


Watermelon is healthy and safe for your dog. Besides being a safe fruit for your dog, it is a healthy snack for your puppy. With different varieties of watermelons, the seedless watermelon may be the best to feed your dog. That way you eliminate the hassle of removing all those black mature seeds, which can harm your dog or puppy.

Despite the fact watermelon is good for your dog, too much of it might cause harm. Learning how to feed watermelon to your dog is essential to prevent health problems. Your dog may enjoy incredible health benefits from the watermelon when served properly. Besides, it is always good to consult your vet before sharing new foods with your pet. 

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